Frequently Asked Questions - Total Control Intermediate Riding Clinic (TCIRC)
1. Does GO offer price matching? What are the rules?
Yes, GO does offer price matching, but with some conditions:
- We only price match classes in the Dallas-Fort Worth area.
- The class you want to price match must be available on the same date you wish to sign up for.
- The price match must be processed at the same time as registration. You need to provide proof of the lower price during registration; we can't adjust the price after the transaction is complete.
- Please note that our price matching policy can't be combined with other offers or discounts, and it doesn't apply to gift certificates or Groupon offers.
2. Can I get my Motorcycle License if I complete the Total Control Intermediate Riding Clinic?
Absolutely! Upon completing the clinic, you'll receive a Completion Certificate. Take this certificate to your nearest Texas Department of Public Safety Licensing Office, pay the M class endorsement fee, pass a vision test, and take a new picture. That's it, and you'll have the M class endorsement added to your Texas Driver's License.
3. Where is the Total Control Intermediate Riding Clinic held?
The clinic takes place at our Dallas/Irving Motorcycle Training Site, located at Irving Mall, in the parking lot behind the Dillard’s Clearance Center. The address is 3800 Irving Mall, Irving TX.
4. What level of motorcycle experience do I need for this course?
To enroll in the Total Control Intermediate Riding Clinic, you should be able to pass a qualifying exercise at the beginning of the class. This exercise ensures you can start smoothly, shift into second gear (if applicable), stop smoothly, and make a 90-degree turn from a stop within 20 feet. If you're new to motorcycling or don't feel confident in performing the qualifying exercise, consider the MSF Basic RiderCourse.
5. Do I need to bring my own motorcycle to class?
Yes, you must provide your own motorcycle for the class. The motorcycle used for range exercises should be street-legal with current registration. Additionally, you need to have a motorcycle insurance policy in effect, and you'll need to provide your insurance policy and license (tag) numbers at the start of the class.
6. Can I use the Total Control Intermediate Riding Clinic to get a license to ride a scooter?
Yes, you can use this clinic to obtain a scooter license. The requirements are the same as with a motorcycle: you must know how to ride your scooter and pass the qualifying exercise. You'll also need to provide your own street-legal, insured scooter for the training.
7. I already have my Motorcycle License. Will this course help me improve my riding skills?
Absolutely! The Total Control Intermediate Riding Clinic is designed to enhance intermediate to advanced riding skills, making your rides safer and more enjoyable.
8. How old do I have to be to take the Total Control Intermediate Riding Clinic?
You must be 18 years of age or older to enroll in the Total Control Intermediate Riding Clinic.
9. Why is the Total Control Intermediate Riding Clinic more expensive than other courses?
The price is set by Total Control, and currently, it's $250, which is the minimum price providers can charge. Despite the cost, it's still less expensive than receiving a ticket for violations, and you'll gain valuable skills that make you a more proficient rider.
10. Do I need to prepare my motorcycle before taking a Total Control class?
Your motorcycle should be well maintained, with these considerations:
- Tires should have sufficient tread (at least 3mm).
- Air pressure will be checked before the class.
- Your bike should not overheat while stopped on a hot day. Check the coolant level for liquid-cooled bikes.
- Verify the engine oil level.
- Ensure your charging system functions properly, and a relatively new battery is recommended.
- Your brakes should be in good working order, and no motorcycles with leaking fluids will be allowed on the range.
11. I have an aftermarket exhaust system on my motorcycle. Is that a problem?
Our Total Control location is sensitive to loud exhaust noise. If you have the factory-installed stock exhaust system, noise won't be an issue. If you have an aftermarket exhaust and are concerned about noise levels, please contact us for more information.
12. How long is the class, and what about lunch?
Total Control classes are eight hours long, with a one-hour lunch break. The class starts at 8:00am and usually finishes around 6:00pm. You should bring your own lunch and a snack if you like. There are fast-food restaurants nearby for a quick lunch if you prefer.
13. How many students are in a Total Control class?
The Total Control Intermediate Riding Clinic can have 6 to 12 students. There is one instructor for every group of six students.
14. What happens if it rains?
The Total Control Intermediate Riding Clinic will be held even in light rain. However, if the weather looks questionable several days before the class, it may be canceled. Contact us for information regarding rescheduling and cancellations.
15. What is your refund/cancellation policy?
We understand that things can come up. If you need to reschedule, please provide at least 72 hours' advance notice to allow another student to take your spot. If you give less than 72 hours' notice, there will be a $50.00 rescheduling fee. If you fail to show up without notice, you forfeit your tuition. The course is non-refundable, but we can process refunds for emergency situations if notified 72 hours before the class, subject to an administrative fee depending on the course you're registered for.